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Indeed—in the digital world, where Mustaparta has over 150,000 followers on Instagram to satisfy—constant updates are her lifeblood. For Mustaparta, though, time away from screens, clicks and likes is essential to keep her energy up. Born and raised in Norway, where fjords, mountains and elk are familiar sights, she still loves to get lost in nature. “Sometimes I have to make time for me,” she says. “I go somewhere peaceful, where the noise of the city seems far away.” There’s little sign that she’s likely to give it all up and move to a country cottage, however. Mustaparta sees the city and the country as two sides of the same coin. “It’s in these still, private moments that I have time to let my shoulders down and make my connections to the world tangible,” she says. “Then I’m ready for those big moments back in the city—whatever they might be.” The exact nature of those moments may be a mystery for now, but there’s no doubt that there are many more of them still to come.Walk your own ways,,
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Fashion can simply be understood as what is currently in vogue at a given time. Fashion encompasses clothing and the manner or style in which it is used. There are several styles that have been accepted as evergreen and there are those that go through phases of popularity and then drop into oblivion. When you talk of a person as fashionable or otherwise, it indicates how they carry themselves in the fashion that is prevalent at the time. While some are able to do a good job of it, others remain a bit awkward.